A Walk With Ginger

A Walk With Ginger

 This winter I have been working with a lot of ginger. I wanted to share some of the beauty of ginger with you because I notice that people interact with it often but have the slightest idea of all the magic it holds. Let's get to know ginger, that spicy little root you see in the produce section of the supermarket thats been around for over 5,000 years. 

Ginger’s a rhizome, which is just a fancy word for a root that grows sideways under the dirt. You can grow ginger by propagation, so if you have an outdoor space take a piece of store-bought organic ginger and put it in the dirt. It’s the Lebron James of roots, growing up to 3 feet tall!It takes about as long as it takes to grow a baby to grow ginger, I think there is something special about that. It loves warm weather and hates the cold. I like to think that as it is growing during the warmer months it contains the warmth of the sun to share with us via ingestion later in the cold months.

Ginger is an OG healer. This root is not just for spice and good smell. It's one of most herbalists MVP. A compound called gingerol ( lol) stimulates digestive movement and that helps with nausea, bloating, and most stomach ailments. When women are pregnant, drinking ginger tea is the best way to beat morning sickness. Feeling stuffy? Ginger’s warmth , anti-inflammatory and immune boosting powers kick that cold in the ass!When you are drinking ginger you may notice you get really warm and even start sweating. This is because ginger stimulates your metabolism. I wonder how much ginger id have to drink to shed a few of these holiday pounds?

Now let’s get mystical y’all because I wouldn't be La Curandera Moderna if I was only using it medicinally. In some cultures, Ginger, symbolizes fire. I like to burn dried ginger as incense to help move stagnant energy and to add potency to other things I may be burning. Adding it to a spiritual bath or floor wash can spark your inner fire and get you motivated. It is also a good offering for spirits that work with fire like Shango , Papa Candelo and so many more. 

Herbal Medicine is more accessible than you think. You can get fresh ginger at the supermarket with WIC, OTC cards , SNAP benefit's and for the low! The next time you see ginger chilling in your local produce spot  get you some. Dont under estimate the power of the things right in your kitchen either. Got some ginger powder? Start with that. This spicy little root is a healer, protector, and vibe-setter all rolled into one. Whether you’re sipping it, cooking it, or burning it, ginger’s got your back.

Stay spicy

Rain La Curandera Moderna

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1 comentario

I really lived reading this. It felt like sitting at a table with you having a girls talk about ginger. I live a good read that feels effortless. Gonna pick up some ginger at the grocery store tomorrow.
Love me some ginger for getting the flood gates of emotions moving. Thank you for this love letter

Marietta Altenor

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