What the Heck is a Curandera?

What the Heck is a Curandera?

 A curandera ,say it with me coo-rahn-DEH-rah, is a folk healer. Like your cool aunt who’s got all the secrets to healing your body, mind, and spirit. It’s a word that comes from the Spanish language that means "healer."  Curanderas mix ancient wisdom, herbal remedies, and a little bit of spiritual pixie dust to help people feel better. Curanderas are the original wellness gurus, the lady who rubbed your leg when you fell, the birth worker who delivered your aunt , the grandma who has a tea for everything , those are all considered curanderas of one sort or another. 

What Do Curanderas Believe?

Curanderas hold beliefs that blend Indigenous traditions, spiritual practices, and sometimes elements of Catholicism or other faiths. At the core of it ,is the healing powers of nature. Curanderas believe that nature provides everything we need to heal. Plants, flowers, and even minerals have unique energies and healing properties that can cure physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. They focus on living in balance with the Earth.

A curandera doesn’t just treat symptoms they address the root cause of illness, which may involve physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances. They understand that some sicknesses come from natural causes like injury, diet, or environment. Curanderas however believe that some illness can stem from spiritual discord, like a curse , evil eye or emotional wounds like grief. Healing sessions with a curandera often involves restoring balance and purifying the spirit through rituals, herbs, and prayer.

Many curanderas believe their healing abilities are a gift from a higher power, whether that’s God, the universe, or ancestral spirits. They often pray or call on spiritual forces to assist in their work. So no they aren't putting a spell on you they are just calling in positive reinforcements to help rid you of whatever illness you're experiencing. 

Curanderas see their role as a healer as a responsibility to serve their community. Traditionally they worked for little to no money, driven by a deep sense of compassion. They believe everyone deserves access to spiritual and physical healing, regardless of status or wealth. Many curanderas believe in spirits, the afterlife, and unseen energies that influence the material world.They trust their instincts and spiritual “sight” to guide them in diagnosing and treating illnesses.

As a Modern Curandera , I believe in and practice all the things I shared above. Ive incorporated tech and modern vibes to make it even more accessible. Videos, readings online, LED candles in spaces where you can't burn candles, and this blog even, are one of the ways in which I keep an ancient practice relevant today. I want everyone to feel welcomed and like they too can access healing wherever , whenever they need to. 

Love Peace & Garden Weeds

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