Berry Healthy Heart is an herbal cordial created with the intention of boosting your blood flow and keep your circulation on point.This 4 oz bottle of sweet and spicy goodness is packed with heart healthy herbal medicine.Spiritually good for opening yourself to love or tapping into your hearts desire.
Usage: Take One Dropperful Two times daily.
Ingredients: This tincture was handcrafted with a special blend of: Hawthorn Berries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Hibiscus Leaf, and Cayenne pepper in whiskey and honey.
Contraindications: Consult with your provider first If you take medicine for your heart, blood pressure, or diabetes as the herbs in this blend can interact with the potency and effectiveness of your medication. If you suffer from blood pressure issues , have allergies to berries, or kidney problems you shouldn't use it. It’s best to check with a doctor first if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.